Your resource for getting your concealed carry permit in New Jersey THIS S
Everything you need to know about application, qualifying and getting set up to carry in the state of New Jersey
Everything you need to know about application, qualifying and getting set up to carry in the state of New Jersey
You must have a firearms identification card (FID) to apply for a carry permit. If you do not have one, you must start there.
If you have an FID, than familiarize yourself with the most up to date Permit to carry instruction:
Book an appointment with a certified range or instructor and pass the NJ CCW course with the pistol(s) you intend to carry. A lot of ranges are letting you qualify 2 guns per course.IN ACCORDANCE WITH N.J.A.C. 13:54-2.4(B), CAN BE OBTAINED AT MOST FIREARM RANGES THROUGHOUT THE STATE. Not every course is the same so read the description of the course before you sign up or call the range. Some qualifications are simple, ready position shot with 80% accuracy and other involve holstering, kneeling while firing and other advanced shooting techniques. Now that carrying is legal in NJ beside to book your appointment sooner rather than later, some ranges are already booked out for weeks. Be sure to find out what you need to bring to the course with you. A must have is the pistol you want to carry if approved, and proof of ownership of it. Check with the range to see the exact list of things to bring. Some ranges will even notarize your application for you. You do not need to wait until you qualify to move on to the next step.
When you pass you should leave with a paper the following information, your contact information, the pistol you qualified with, your score, a signature from the instructor that you passed. Ranges also gave us a "Use of force" packet to go over and sign. Although this is not on the check list the officers taking the application all took that along with the proof of qualification sheet.
Click the link below for some of the ranges that offer this course.
You can move onto steps 3, 4, 5, and 6 while you are waiting for your qualification appointment to come up.
4 passport photos are required. There is somewhat of a contradiction on the state check list and the application. The check list calls for passport photos, and the application calls for 1.5" x 1.5" photos. As of now they have been accepting passport photos.
-Don't forget to ask for 4, they usually just print 2
-Don't wear a white shirt, the background is white
-Before submitting it is good practice to wrote your name on the back, be sure not to press to hard to damage the front of the photo. This was requested by one officer.
You will need a Money Order in the amount of $50.00 payable to; “Treasurer, State of New Jersey”
-A lot of banks do NOT do money orders, such as Bank of America
-Your local post office is a good place to go for it.
-Remember that they charge for the money order. Ours was $1.65
As of July 7th 2022 there is no way to submit an application online. Always check the state police web site for the most up to date information.
Follow this link to the printable application, State of New Jersey Applications For Permit To Carry A Handgun, form SP642. Must be double sided and notarized. You can fill this out on your computer and then print three copies.
-You must print out 3 of them to apply.
-You must have it notarized after it is completed.
-Know your municipal code, find yours here:
-Your municipal code is NOT the same as your towns ORI number.
Simply fill out this form. You will need a witness to your signature. Although it just says witness we have been told by range employees and one officer to sign that in front of the officer when you drop off the application in the next step. Fill out top half and leave signature and witness blank to sign at the station. Follow below link for the content form. Some ranges give this to you, you only need one.
Below is a checklist of what you will need to bring with you when you take your application to your local police department. Be sure to call your local police department to make sure the officer in charge go the fire arms application is in and will be able to see you. Do not just show up.
INSTRUCTIONS FOR FINGER PRINTING WILL BE PROVIDED AT THE TIME OF APPLICATION. You should leave the police department with a minimum of:
Make an appointment at you have to use that company.
Your information will be sent directly to your application.
And now we wait.
We are an independent publication and not affiliated with the state police or any government agency. Following this check list does not guarantee a permit and due to the ever changing laws coming out daily we cannot promise all information is 100% accurate and up to date. If you would like to become a partner please fill out the form below.
New Jersey, United States
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